2. RL78 uC Flash Programmer

RL78 Flash programmer KiCAD PCB Design files on my GitLab Repo PCB Image of RL78 Flash Programmer

2.1 Introduction

  • This is a very low cost, DIY, RL78 micro-controller Flash Programmer PCB.
  • This enables you to Flash program RL78 uC using PC serial port (Via USB-to-UART Dongle).
  • This project is hosted on GitHub (Link above). Feel free to use it!.
  • I have used open source KiCAD v5.1.10 for designing this PCB.
    • But it should work w/ latest KiCAD Rev.
  • This implements the Renesas Type B Circuit provided by RenesasTM App Notes.
    Please Ref. below for reference design link. However, knowledge of Circuit is not needed
    to use it.
  • I have tested this board on different RL78 micro-controller, it worked well.
  • The parts are pretty cheap to buy (~6 USD). One could hand solder it.
  • SCHEMATIC(PDF/.sch), PCB(PDF/GERBER), 3D info etc all available in the above repository.
  • To program your MCU, you need to use free RenesasTM Flash Programmer GUI. This GUI SW
    is provided free by Renesas itself.
  • I have used this PCB along with above said GUI SW to program variety of RL-78 uC for years.
  • For suggestions, email me: prabhu.yu@gmail.com

2.2 References