3. The Rise of The Co-Operative Tasking.

3.1 Motivation

Co-Operative tasking is on raze. All modern programming languages like Python (3.6+), JavaScript, Julia, .NET etc. are providing Co-Operative Multitasking. This something new for those who come from C/C++ Language background. C++20 is adding same support. Also, the first time programmers also may find the co-operative multi tasking a lot late compared to Threads/Process. Hence, I thought of writing this article with small code example.

3.2 What is the Co-operative Tasking?

It is a concurrent multi tasking environment, where currently running task will never be preempted by a scheduler. Instead, the task itself will yield the processor (in order to co-operate with other tasks), whenever it wants. Typically, task yields when it is going to wait for an IO, sleep, or completed a logical bloc of code. Programmer has responsibility here to yield the processor using explicit instruction like ‘await’.

Typically, scheduler will decide which next task to run, but will never decide when to remove it from running. Because, that work will be done by the running task itself.

PYTHON async tasks are good example of non-preemptive multitasking. all task’s asynchronous activities will be always in progress, even when they are not running. When a task is running, all remaining tasks remain paused (even if there are free CPU cores!), while, their asynchronous activities are going in background.

3.3 A brief on pre-emptive Multi-Tasking.

POSIX threads (pthreads) are widely used for preemptive multitasking. sched_yield() in a POSIX thread will bot make the a POSIX thread into non-preemptive multi tasking.
Reasons is : thread may be preempted even before it calls the sched_yield().

3.4 Present common pattern

Dividing a complex software into multiple threads or multiple processes is a dominant practice. POSIX pthread_create() / fork() / its wrappers are almost available on every computer; Hence the near monopoly of these concepts, if not everywhere, at least in minds of people from C/C++ world. It is difficult for us (Human) for true Parallel Processing. This has its own impact on how we write multi tasking software. Hence, the need for better Computing Multi Tasking concepts/tools.

3.5 Why Co-Operative?

We can design better SW if we can schedule our own code (instead of forcefully scheduled by OS scheduler). Ex: We can continue the job until we want w/o worrying about being the control given to peer task. We (developer) can be the better judge about when we can give back the control compared to the mechanical scheduler. Context switches are fast but not free. Threads take relatively more memory (hence, more costly cache too) Developer cannot control the scheduler, hence typically end up using locks, thus multitude of problems starts. Developer has to spend time on discussing, designing, implementing locks! Developers exploring the ways to reduce the interference from Kernel Scheduler!

3.6 Diagram of Multi-Tasking

3.7 Implementation of The Co-Operative Multi Tasking

OS does not have good support for this, hence, the Language run time engines implements this. (Python Interpreter, JavaScript Runtime, or some event loop libraries as in case of C++ (?))

Once a task yields, an event loop in the Program runtime would schedule the next task based on some simple criteria. I imagine this as “a single threaded, sophisticated event loop with emphasis on asynchronous IO programming”.

3.8 Benefits of The Co-Operative Multi Tasking

  • Simplified Software.
  • Significantly less use of synchronization primitives, re-entrant code, thread safe code.
  • Tasks will never preempted, AND no other tasks will run in parallel until the current task yields. This guarantee to the Developer removes the coding effort to avoid data races. (Here, OS level preempt still happens but that will not impact your inner status of application data. More on this later!)
  • Significantly Less number of context switches. (each context switch takes 1uS to 3 uS)
  • Though context switch is O(1) in time complexity for any random ‘n’ threads, but the Number of context switches proportional to number of threads.
  • CPU Pinning: Better binding of Tasks to same CPU for longer time. - Improved cache performance

3.9 No Callback Hell in Co-Operative Multi Tasking.

A lot of times, we can divide our work into large number of smaller tasks. But we can not create equally large number of (POSIX) threads for each of them. We end up designing the callbacks to solve this but cognitive load of such design is too much. The load of Co-operative multi tasking is same as Callbacks functions, yet we can create very large number of tasks without load on CPU. Thus, we can avoid callback Hell.

3.10 Practical Co-Operative Multi Tasking in Python (JavaScript)

Provided by Python Interpreter under Single Thread using event loop. For OS, all your co-operating multi tasks appear as ONE thread, not the multiple threads. Every time, a task yields the control, event loop takes the control and schedules the next task based on ‘longest waiting time + ready to run as a parameter’. co-routines are the key parts of this model. Using async/await keywords are added into Python-3.6/JavaScript.

3.11 Some Questions

Question: If all Tasks are run in Single threads, does it not reduce the performance? Ans: Most of the modern apps are IO bound. If you know, you app is cpu intensive, async is wrong choice. If it is IO bound, You may see improved performance because CPU computing power is an invariant. Having more threads does not increase the Total available computation power. If your reduce the overall thread count in your system, all remaining threads will get re-distributed power. It is little tricky!. More threads means more context switches. This is an overhead, however small it is. This necessary frictional loss.

3.12 Co-Operative Multi Tasking: Shift in our attitude

We tend to think, we spawn the more threads to get more processing power. But this is a ZERO SUM game. In your product-team, if every team starts thinking this, each one will start stealing processing power from other, thus overall degradation. If your system has 6 CPU cores, at most 6 processes can run in parallel. However, a product/Desktop/Server typically have 100s to 1000s processes. So, you will not have imminent danger of having less processes than actual cores. But we should keep this under watch. Instead of thinking in competitive terms, think in co-operative terms. A better design will consume less processing power, makes us a better architect.

Also, In some cases, Co-Op tasking may not bring speed compared to pre-emptive tasking. So, not always think in speed-angle. Think also in simplicity angle. i.e., Can writing the software become simple? - We almost don't need locks/semaphores that are shared with co-op tasks. - If you can break SW logic into many thousands sub parts, think, running each part in thread Vs co-operative tasks. Which consumes less resource, which is easy to write? - Some time, old method of pre-emptive tasking may look better. Once can keep using it.

3.13 Concerns on Co-operative Multi Tasking

Question: Does not the power to hold the processor as long as a task wants dangerous? Answer: This power has its own advantages and risks. Even in multi threads/Multi Processing, one can easily deny processing power to peer threads by dead locks, live locks, non-re-entrant, non-thread safe code. These problems largely because, threads are preemptive. Now you are solving these by being more co-operative. Agree, there is a risk due to bad coding. Threads are preempted by kernel, at least remaining threads would not suffer this kind of issues.

3.14 Example code for Co operative Multi tasking.

We see how to create multiple tasks, how to monitor them. While monitoring, we can call some other routines too. This is typically needed in real-life. Mostly, we would read network messages and there by create more tasks and we may run forever. I just wanted to show that possibility in single code.

import asyncio
async def my_task_init(task_number):
    """ a co routine, pretending doing some IO job.
    Typically, this coutine would wait for IO read/write msg. (Kakfka, AIO sockets, pexpect)
    print(f'started my_task_init_init_init({task_number})')
    await asyncio.sleep(2) # pretending as if doing some IO work!
    print(f'returning my_task_init_init_init({task_number})')
    return task_number + 111

async def my_ANOTHER_task_init(name):
    """ a co routine, pretending doing some IO job.
    Typically, this coutine would wait for IO read/write msg. (Kakfka, AIO sockets, pexpect)
    print(f'started my_ANOTHER_task_init({name})')
    await asyncio.sleep(3) # pretending as if doing some IO work!
    print(f'returning my_ANOTHER_task_init({name})')
    return name + 'is from solar system'

def my_few_tasks():
    """ Creates 2+1 = 3 co-operative tasks.
    Returns the task objects so that the caller can wait for them to complete.
    tasks_list = []
    for i in range(2):
        task_obj = asyncio.create_task(my_task_init(i)) # we can pass different co-routines

    # we can create task individually, with separate init functions.
    task_obj = asyncio.create_task(my_ANOTHER_task_init('earth')) # we can pass different co-routines

    return tasks_list

async def main():
    """Calls a coroutine to create few co-operative tasks.
    Checks in a loop if task is done and sleeps in b/w.
    if you want, you can create more tasks, wait for a msg etc.
    print(f'Enter: main()')
    tasks_list = my_few_tasks()

    while True:
        # main do whatever it wants, even it can create more async tasks.
        await asyncio.sleep(1)
        for i in range(len(tasks_list)):
            all_done = True
            print(f' checking task[{i}]')
            if tasks_list[i].done():
                print(f' Done; return value of task: {tasks_list[i].result()}')
                print(f'task is not yet done!')
                # here, you can add code to create more TASKS. Something like, you read some incoming network message, create a task to process it in this main loop, and wait for its completion... blah blah
                all_done = False

        if all_done:
            print(f'all tasks are Completed/Done')

    print(f'Return: main()')

(sandbox) #python async_1.py
Enter: main()
started my_task_init_init_init(0)
started my_task_init_init_init(1)
started my_ANOTHER_task_init(earth)
 checking task[0]
task is not yet done!
 checking task[1]
task is not yet done!
 checking task[2]
task is not yet done!
returning my_task_init_init_init(1)
returning my_task_init_init_init(0)
 checking task[0]
 Done; return value of task: 111
 checking task[1]
 Done; return value of task: 112
 checking task[2]
task is not yet done!
returning my_ANOTHER_task_init(earth)
 checking task[0]
 Done; return value of task: 111
 checking task[1]
 Done; return value of task: 112
 checking task[2]
 Done; return value of task: earthis from solar system
all tasks are Completed/Done
(sandbox) #

3.15 Etymology

Let us study two English words: 1. Co-routine 2. Concurrent

- Co : together
- Routine : a packaged unit code.
Co-routine is a subroutine that can co-exists (maintain run time state) while other routines runs.
This allows us to implement co-operative multitasking. They can be entered, paused and exited from various points. Compare yourself the co-routine with sub-routine.

Concurrent (Adjective: modifier of a noun, Verb too) - Con → From Latin. In English, it becomes Co in English; Meaning: together, with; Related to time order in which things happen.
- Current → run Hence: Concurrent → Running together. Emphasis is on the time. Time is overlapping.
Concurrent: A system is said to be concurrent if it can support the progress of more than one action at the same time, but not necessarily executing the all actions simultaneously.
Parallel: A system is said to be parallel if it can support the progress of more than one action at the same time, and, also, executing the all actions simultaneously (at all physical instances of time).

So, use ‘parallel’ when simultaneous actions are expected. Use concurrent when simultaneous actions are may or may not executed. If executed simultaneously, better use 'parallel'. I feel (I may be wrong), all parallel systems can be called concurrent. But not otherwise. Words are tricky. If I am unsure about myself or my audiences, I just mention explicitly how actions are carried w.r.t to time.

3.16 Reference ##

  • https://brennan.io/2020/05/24/userspace-cooperative-multitasking/
  • https://www.gottliebtfreitag.de/blog/recreational-c++/2019/08/19/why-cooperative-multitasking-might-be-a-bad-idea.html