11. Commit Message

11.1 Basics

Often, we just need to re-word a commit message.
if it is just the commit message of the latest commit, we can use --amend option as below

#git commit --amend -m 'new commit msg'

If it is a commit msg of an arbitrary commit, then we need to use rebase command

git rebase -i <AFTER_THIS_commit_OR_branch_OR_tag>

Then git gives the option to reword, select all commit hashes that we want to reword. Then another editor will be given, then cleanly updated commit msg. That is all. We need to push using force push. This is a rewrite of history, hence --force push is necessary.

git push --force <remote_name> <branch>

In fact, we can also use above command to reword last commit msg.

git rebase -i HEAD~1

Then do the reword action.
I feel above command (rebase) is better than --amend option since above command keep refreshing my memory on rebase command. Also, I don't need to remember --amend option which is specific.

11.2 References